Friday, October 13, 2006

Has it really been almost two months since my last post??????? Well, it's not been for lack of writing. More like lack of free time. I'm getting a little over-run with school work, now that I'm back at Grant MacEwan, taking my first semester of the library tech program...don't laugh. We all gotta do something practical, and I'm not getting any younger.

Anyway, here's one I wrote a while ago. I guess you could say it's about a vagrant having a particularly lonely day...


I could see the laboured breathing
I could see that it was sad
I sunk in the darkness of knowing
I was useless to help this sweet lad

It didn't flinch at my foot steps
barely an inch from its face
not at all acting a natural bird
I suppose we all change without grace

I pretended to smoke a cigarette
so I could be company
though I dared not to touch it
for fear of disease
I was wishing some hero would see

that someone better equiped than me
would notice this poor sparrow's plight
for not even my attentive gaze
could inspire some firy flight

Then it hit me:
this fowl and I are the same
not much more than vermon to most
barely the shadow beneath as they soar
So I prayed for this wretched ghost

And I'll never get satisfaction
never know how its story ends
I suppose it will yield to its final relief
and me to my mottled friends

I think of the thousands
that die every day
unbeknownst to me
and I hope that they know I can feel them
and that my will wishes them free

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